Aid Budget Blown on Wind Farms

Reader comment on: Is Aid Bad for Africa?

Submitted by Mike (United States), Nov 23, 2010 13:55

Saturday November 20,2010

By Daily Express Reporter

At a time when the rest of the UK is being told to tighten its belt, the Government will pour money into the schemes abroad as part of a drive to help poor countries to develop green businesses.

Critics angrily attacked the move, which was announced by the International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell, branding it a waste of money and inappropriate at a time of austerity at home.

Mr. Mitchell said the aid money was vital to help tackle climate change, as well as funding health and education in poor countries. Announcing two public-private partnership projects in Africa and Asia, he said they would help to stimulate investment in renewable energy schemes. And he defended the use of taxpayers' cash.

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