COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Inventory

Reader comment on: State Government at Its Worst

Submitted by David Weinkrantz (United States), Jan 17, 2021 17:25

Massachusetts can only administer vaccine doses that it received from the Federal government. Accordingly, in order for you to make a valid argument, you need to show that Massachusetts received significantly more vaccine doses than it administered.

Your argument as written is not valid.

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The Future of Capitalism replies:

From the article: "If Massachusetts were leading other states in terms of percent of population vaccinated or percent of delivered vaccine that has been administered, then it might make sense to rest on the weekends and holidays. But the Bay State hasn't exactly covered itself in glory in either of those categories."

"percent of delivered vaccine that has been administered" addresses precisely your point. If you click the link you will see that Massachusetts has only delivered 257,175 of the 669,325 doses it has received, or 38%, by comparison Connecticut is at 57%, New Hampshire, 49%, etc,

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