Any justification for forcibly stopping use?

Reader comment on: FDA Endorsement Hurts Vaccine Uptake, Poll Says

Submitted by Harry Binswanger (United States), Feb 28, 2021 17:48

I trust the researchers and pharma companies who devise and sell vaccines (I've had both Moderna shots). What right does the FDA, or any other third party, have to tell us we can't judge risk for ourselves, can't put substances in our own bodies, and can't sell things to consenting adults?

The FDA's tests should not preclude free, self-owning individuals from acting on their own medical judgment as to their best treatment.

Let them test all they want, but don't use state compulsion to forbid me from using the vaccine of my choice.

In fact, the Moderna vaccines was formulated in 48 hours in January 2019 (see Wall St. Journal article of Feb. 25th by a Harvard Medical school researcher-physician). By the end of April, it had been tested in Phase I trials on 45 volunteers and all 45 developed as high an antibody concentration as those who recovered from the disease.

Yet the FDA didn't stop preventing the use of the vaccine until mid-December. Think of the hundred thousand or more needless deaths and economic devastation the government's regulations caused.

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