Trump Border Wall

Reader comment on: Trump Border Wall Pushes Migrants to Sea

Submitted by Richard Smith (United States), May 4, 2021 17:42

It is unclear as to the purpose, motivation or lack of sound reasoning underscoring this article.
Surely you are not rationalizing criminal activity? If the government outlaws murder, as it has, should we denigrate the effort because murderers have resorted to other nefarious methods to eliminate their targets (e.g., staged accidents)? Like the sea smuggling of illegals (that includes people forced to carry drugs and victims of sex trafficking), staged accidents are still the work of demented criminal minds and like sea smuggling, it is nonetheless destructive to civilized order and the functionality of civil society. Nonetheless, you appear to critique the laws rather than the criminal sociopaths who violate them and empathize with the law breakers (drug cartels, sex traffickers, and others wishing to profit from the misery of others) rather than the law abiding citizenry that are irreparably damaged (as are demonstrably many or most of the people being smuggled) by violations of civil order (???).

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