Reading Will Not Make It So

Reader comment on: Obama Looks to Reagan

Submitted by Robert Rogers (United States), Dec 24, 2010 17:40

I am all for reading. I am all for learning. That said, the incumbent in the White House in 2010 cannot learn anything by reading about President Reagan, assuming, which I do not, that he will actually read the Cannon book. Reagan had in superfluity what Obama lacks entirely: empathy. Obama might just as well watch THE WIZARD OF OZ to learn how to acquire courage. You can't learn empathy from a book or courage from a movie. I only hope Obama can't fool voters who admire Reagan by meeting with Kenneth M. Duberstein or carrying Lou Cannon's book around Hawaii. As any professor or student knows, there's a big difference between reading a book and carrying one---or having The New York Times report that Presidential aides say the President is reading a book and actually reading it. This is White House PR, nothing more, nothing less.

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