Sick to the point of uninsurableReader comment on: Pre-Existing Condition Hype Submitted by ben (United States), Jan 18, 2011 11:00 Look at some of the horror stories about people being dropped from insurance because of acne or other rather trivial health problems and we see the problem. If what makes someone "uninsurable" is a dollar and cents decision made by the insurance company, then many "healthy" people will be uninsurable because their conditions might be expensive to treat even if they aren't life threatening or incapacitating. The reason this study is important is because it sheds light on exactly how broad a brush insurance companies can paint with when deciding who to sell insurance to. It is a commentary on insurance industry practices more than the state of public health in the US. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Other reader comments on this item
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