Actually the most regulations that inhibit things are local regulations.Reader comment on: Obama on Regulations Submitted by Lyle (United States), Jan 18, 2011 21:28 For example the limit on the number of Taxi permits, why not move to a system where if you meet safety and insurance regs you can drive a cab. In general set standards and if you meet the standards you can open a business, no requirement of necessity. Apply this standard to federal regs, by saying that regs require transparency. As an example the new consumer financial protection bureau just runs ads saying, if any one gives you financial advice ask how much they are paid by the other side for the advice. If they are on commission or receive a fee if you buy the product they are pushing, be wary very wary of anything they say, they don't care about you but only themselves. If you want good financial advice either go to a non-profit or pay for it. In essence salespersons are only to be trusted as far as you can throw them. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Comment on this item |