There may be less here than meets the eye...

Reader comment on: The FCC's Conditions

Submitted by Kristo Miettinen (United States), Jan 22, 2011 14:47

Comcast is, by reputation, likely to be in favor of doing all of the things required of them anyway. This kind of commercial/regulatory deal is not at all uncommon, a company accepting terms that mirror what it would have done in any case and currying favor with its regulators by letting them claim the credit.

What is most toxic in these sorts of deals is that they provide precedent for the regulators to use in future instances. By letting regulators take credit in particular cases we strengthen their claim to having the corresponding authority over all cases.

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Title By Date
⇒ There may be less here than meets the eye... [97 words]Kristo MiettinenJan 22, 2011 14:47
Really? [31 words]PaulaJan 19, 2011 15:30

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