inquiry is missing key points

Reader comment on: Financial Crisis Commission Report

Submitted by ckandt (United States), Jan 26, 2011 21:45

this synopsis is missing the points that bankers, Freddie and Fannie included, passed on ninja and liars loans and rated them AAA. They keep soft soaping the story, but that is fraud and they should have to pay. They should pay out of their own bonuses. Lowering lending standards was wrong, but some actually lied. Were they procecuted???? I've not heard of any. Bankers spent billions on CDS's on these mortgages, because they knew they were poor. Goldman Sachs got caught doing this. The betting in the stock market with no real productivity is ruining our country. One can make a lot of $ on things you know are going to tank.....That's why the stock market is not a reflection of the wealth of our country. The upper 2% have the benefit of deregulation AND govt. backing!!!!! It is grossly unfair to every honest hard working citizen.

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