And where does Menino think Wal-Mart will find its employees for a Boston store?Reader comment on: Menino Versus Walmart Submitted by Belladonna Rogers (United States), Feb 9, 2011 17:42 So the mayor of Boston wants Wall-Mart to "employ neighborhood people"? Whom does he think Wall-Mart plans to hire for its proposed Boston store? Neighborhood people from Little Rock? I think not. This is yet the latest in a long series of ludicrously know-nothing statements by local pols against Wal-Mart. When Boston-area employees of Boston's Wal-Mart pay state income taxes on the income they will earn at Wal-Mart, it will be Massachusetts that benefits, as well as the employees, who will be...employed. When Boston Wal-Mart shoppers' purchases are taxed, what state does Mayor Menino think will collect the taxes? As anyone who has taken a grade school civics class knows, it will be Massachusetts coffers that will be enriched when Massachusetts sales taxes are imposed on Wal-Mart purchases are made in Massachusetts Wal-Marts. Either Mayor Menino is ignorant of the basics of income and sales taxation, or he is trying to curry favor with local businesses. Something tells me it's the latter, and what a transparent effort it is because it is so patently inane. If Mayor Menino and his business cronies succeed in keeping Wal-Mart out of Boston, it will be the free market place and consumers of Boston who will be hurt the most. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Comment on this item |