Ethanol puts race drivers at risk

Reader comment on: Bjorn Lomborg on Ethanol

Submitted by Biodiversivist (United States), Mar 11, 2011 13:33

Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA) joined Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) just introduced legislation that would repeal the 45-cent-per gallon subsidy for corn and lower the tariff on imported ethanol. Note that they are both Democrats. Corn ethanol is a rare bipartisan debacle. The only groups that have always been against corn ethanol are the major environmental groups who, oddly enough, often get blamed for it simply because it is a biofuel.

The Indy 500 race has been using ethanol for several years now. It has replaced a much safer fuel called methanol, which was used instead of gasoline after several drivers burned to death:

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