Overall tax rate for Super Rich is 30.9%

Reader comment on: 'Tax the Super Rich Now'

Submitted by Ben Leet (United States), Mar 31, 2011 15:31

If you go to Citizens for Tax Justice, find the report "Is 'Tax Day' Too Burdensome for the Rich?" and you'll find the effective overall tax rates for all households according to income. The top one percent, with incomes over $450,000 and an average income of $1.3 million, who also own 37% of all private property for a composite net wealth of over $20 trillion -- this group pays 30.9% overall effective tax rate. The other taxpayers at the bottom 80% of the income ladder pay a rate on average of 24.5%. Just the facts, please, not your fantasy. You can argue with Citizens for Tax Justice.

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