Stupid or Evil?

Reader comment on: Beyond the Welfare State

Submitted by jfxgillis (United States), Apr 3, 2011 14:30

Since Levin cannot possibly be stupid enough to believe what he says, he must perforce be evil.

He could, however, be so far beyond stupid that the evil is merely an illusion.

I mean. Come on. He basically argues for the creation of 401(k) and similar vehicles for retirement which we ALREADY CREATED a generation ago and which Wall Street just decimated. State insurance commisions have regulated insurance for a HUNDRED AND FIFTY YEARS and that's how we ended up with the irrational and unsustainable health insurance system we had. So the idea is to let them keep screwing it up like we know they already have?

Personally, I was boggled at how empty and ridiculous this supposedly "seminal" tract is. It's warmed-over lassiez faire. Yeah. Been there, done that. Where the hell does he think social democracy came from? It emerged as a response to the SELF-EVIDENT failures of the system in place.

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