Murdoch pulling strings??

Reader comment on: How Murdoch Covers Murdoch

Submitted by Lyle (United States), Jul 8, 2011 09:20

These sorts of comments remind me of a line by Charles Francis Adams (then president of the UP) that people in Utah thought he stayed awake nights manipulating freight rates. I suspect that all Murdoch really cares about is the profitability of the parts of his empire. Murdoch's empire is so much larger than Hearst's that is hard to think of his pulling strings at this level of detail. Comparing the positions of the UK papers to Fox in the US makes this somewhat clear. A good conglomerate executive would only be concerned with the P&L issues, and its clear that the News of the World was going to become a money loser very fast.

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The Future of Capitalism replies:

The issue isn't so much Murdoch himself fiddling with the copy (though I wouldn't rule that out) as subordinates fiddling with the copy in an effort to please him or make the situation look better than it is.

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