What is the plan?Reader comment on: The Big Picture Submitted by DBL2 (United States), Jul 29, 2011 13:54 As much as I agree with the Tea Party about their end goals (to unwind the welfare state), I do not understand their strategy for getting there. Is it to force a default, pull the temple down like Sampson, and hope that the public reacts to the ensuing financial collapse by turning on Obama and electing a Republican president and congress in 2012? Or is it something else? I honestly do not understand how they think they can from here to there. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. The Future of Capitalism replies: Well clearly Bachmann and Paul, who are both running, are hoping for a Republican president in 2012. But I think they'd also say a "default" doesn't necessarily mean a full scale financial collapse. The Paul piece linked gives examples of prior defaults that we took in stride more or less. Other reader comments on this item
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