
Reader comment on: The Times, the Dollar, and the Renminbi

Submitted by John Gillis (United States), Aug 11, 2011 17:20

Something is amiss with the mathematics of the claim of 333% increase of the cost of the Times from 1999 to 2009. At 60 cents, a 100% increase would be $1.20. A 200% increase would be $1.80. So, how does one leap to 333% for the extra 20 cents up to $2.00?

The TImes increases are way bad enough at 233% over a 10 year period, so I think your point still works fine with the correct math.

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The Future of Capitalism replies:

Thanks for the catch. Corrected now to reflect my typo — it is a 233% increase, or 1.40, which is the amount of the increase, divided by .60, the original price.

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