Once Again I Shoot Myself in the Foot with feeble attempts at irony

Reader comment on: Carried Interest

Submitted by Peter Reilly (United States), Aug 22, 2011 12:55

The overaching theme of my four posts on the subject of carried interest has been that many people comment on it without having any understanding of the the tax principles involved.. The proposed legislative fix might do a lot of collateral damage. My editor had asked whether one proposal for fixing the problem would work without legislation would work. I was a little skeptical. Then as I thought about it, I came up with a different idea.

As the confusion indicates I don't have a strong opinion as to whether it is a good idea or not or how bad a thing it really is or if it is a bad thing at all. I think there is a perception that there is some sort of special break for hedge fund managers. The reality is that they are just taking advantage of the way partnerships work. The proposed fix adds significant complexity to an area that is already more than enough complicated

Thanks for remarking on my post

I've been bloggin on tax issues for a little over a year now.

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Title By Date
⇒ Once Again I Shoot Myself in the Foot with feeble attempts at irony [181 words]Peter ReillyAug 22, 2011 12:55
A good example of why I avoid Forbes these days [62 words]Rob SamaAug 22, 2011 11:34

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