The aloof proof

Reader comment on: The Golub-Buffett Backstory

Submitted by Ohhsweetconcord (United States), Aug 23, 2011 09:59

The vast percentage of revenue paid by the wealthy is proof positive that some distributional flaw in our economic system has been failing the average American but rewarding the super rich. Wages for most Americans have been stagnant the past 30 years, while CEOs and the super rich have increased their share many times over. Do they really " deserve" that much more? Have they worked that much harder? Do we honestly live in a moral distribution of economic goods?

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The Future of Capitalism replies:

If you include the cost of health care in "wages" the picture is somewhat different.

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⇒ The aloof proof
[w/response] [80 words]
OhhsweetconcordAug 23, 2011 09:59
[w/response] [46 words]
BrettAug 23, 2011 04:31

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