Professional Staffers are the big addition.

Reader comment on: The Administrators Ate My Tuition

Submitted by Lyle (United States), Aug 30, 2011 15:58

Beyond the IT staff, the other growth areas in professional staff in counseling and security. After we decided that just kicking disturbed folks out of the community was not ok, then we had to add counseling forces (particularly after VA Tech and the like), as well as then adding security forces to protect the campus. Add in the increasingly plush health clubs built on campuses (intramural facilities) and that's another cost, to attract students. 84 to 68 is not as drastic as the professional staffing level. (Another question is how many research staff are also hiding there?)

The increase is partly an argument for a online only institution, where you need only IT staff for servers, and no counseling services, and less security.

Actually if you look at it the increase in professional staff kind of implies a need to increase the administrative staff to manage them.

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