Nature FunctioningReader comment on: Michelle Obama's Anti-Obesity Campaign Submitted by Elson Silva, PhD (Brazil), Feb 12, 2010 09:24 Sorry, but you are totally mistaken about achieving a balance with nature. Keeping fit is a matter of reaching a balance of our existence. We are born naked but we lose freedom of wlaking around without clothes. Probably we are going to lose our rights of being sedentary which is much more harmful than walking naked. This has nothing to do about government idea of good life. Human physiology was not designed for the lyfestyle we are adopting having excessive food and machinery that replace most of human work. Americans will become 85% obese by 2040 if this obesity trend continues and the consequences will be hard to cope. We are in the turning point of human evolution when food chase man for profit and machinery makes man so weak to run away. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Other reader comments on this item
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