What is an elite?Reader comment on: Heritage Tries Class Warfare, Clumsily Submitted by benjamin m (United States), Feb 12, 2010 10:17 This relates perfectly to your post yesterday about elitism. Elitism is completely in the eye of the beholder. It is a word that has become completely devalued in our political discourse (sort of like how liberal and conservative don't mean what they used to.) Is a well educated person an elite by definition? Must you have an ivy league degree to be elite? It is an attitudinal thing - looking down on someone else? (those on the right and left are often guilty of this). Is it a lifestyle thing (how exactly being a fan of arugula - a constant "smear" on the right make a person elite doesn't totally make sense to me)? I think it is time we put the word "elitism" out of its misery. It contributes nothing to the conversation. Of course, I am probably acting like an elitist by trying to eliminate a word. . . Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Comment on this item |