A Promise To Ron PaulReader comment on: CBS National Journal Debate Submitted by Louis Nardozi (United States), Nov 15, 2011 21:39 Hi Everyone, The RNC has been complicit in the marginalization of Dr. Paul, as well as the media blackout. We all know this. I have set up a little website to bring attention to this fact and to help Dr. Paul. It is not the kind of thing he would do (in fact he couldn't even acknowledge it without being summarily expelled from the GOP), but it IS the kind of thing I would do, ESPECIALLY after the last debate where Dr. Paul got a whole 90 seconds to speak. This must stop and by God it WILL stop, and YOU'RE going to help me stop it! Go to http://RonPaulPromise.com and sign up please, and spread the word. I set up the site myself it has no ads and no profit, just a labor of love in defense of Dr. Paul. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Other reader comments on this item
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