Critics on the left

Reader comment on: SEC Charges GE Capital With Fraud

Submitted by Jerry Skurnik (United States), Dec 23, 2011 18:00

I don't know what kind of pass they have gotten. A 5 minute google search found the following - when Obama appointed Immelt, Joe Klein at Time wrote - Immelt's appointment "signals a desire to snuggle up to the business community." Occupy Wall Street demonstrated on Immelt's front lawn, Just yesterday, FAIR, the left-wing media watchdog wrote - The news that General Electric paid no taxes to the U.S. government in 2010 on worldwide profits of $14 billion wasn't news at all at NBC, which is 49 percent owned by GE. After questions were raised about NBC's non-coverage (Washington Post, 3/30/11), NBC Nightly News (3/31/11) finally took a look at the story--in a report that mainly provided an opportunity for GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt to rebut criticism: "Immelt says that everyone should pay their fair share of taxes, including GE, and that the corporate tax code needs to be reformed to make it more competitive and eliminate loopholes.". Also, CongressmanDennis Kucinich & Salon have attacked Immelt's appointment.

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