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Reader comment on: The Iron Lady Movie

Submitted by Belladonna Rogers (United States), Jan 2, 2012 20:41

I haven't seen the movie, either, and this review expresses exactly why not. It is possible (as in "The Queen") to combine recognizable recent history with entertainment, but clearly only entertainment was the goal here.

I've seen Ms. Streep imitate too many others (e.g., Julia Child and Isak Dinesen) that I have zero interest in wasting another two precious hours of my life watching her imitate Mrs. Thatcher, epsecially when I can listen to the glorious audiotapes that the real Mrs. Thatcher made of her book, The Downing Street Years. Authors don't always read their own books on tape, but she did, and what a great joy it is to hear her describe her life and times in her own inimitable voice.

For enormously pleasurable listening and learning, I highly recommend:

The book, The Downing Street Years, is also available on Kindle: as well as in paperback and hard cover.

Skip Streep and go for the true original, the one and only Margaret Thatcher.

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