ScaranoReader comment on: The New York Housing Shortage and Scarano Submitted by Gary Shaffer (United States), Mar 4, 2010 12:16 Mr. Scarano was found to have lied and misled the public. The zoning and building regulations, which he so cavalierly ignored and lied about, were the product of among other things, events like the triangle shirt waist factory. Why don't you ask Mr. Scarano's client to post a comment about what he thinks about his architect's actions? Perhaps ask neighbors whose access to air and light might be infringed by overbuilding? An unregulated capitalism has always been a friend to thieves, not the economy. Just ask Warren Buffett. Or perhaps we'd all be better off in the good old days, when 9 year olds could work in factories, human waste could be dumped anywhere, and any building could be built anywhere. Why should any of us have to suffer under any restrictions? After all, it's so frustrating. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Comment on this item |