anne periou

Reader comment on: State of the Union Postscript

Submitted by Anne periou (United States), Mar 10, 2010 22:18

In order to get respect you must give it, President Obama's speeches have spun the facts in many instances and he seems less informed on how he should be have than any other president I have seen. I think it was totally out of line in the health care summit for him to be calling the members of the sumit by their first name when they were referring to him as Mr. President.

I think its out of hand, when the president enters the room they should all stand and respect the Office of President, a gesture they denied Bush, and the president should not use a public forum to be disrespectful to members of the supreme court. Our elected officials are behaving like they are at a truck rally not the State of the union. And suggesting they scalp the tickets really is beneath you or maybe you belong at the truck rally. SHAME ON YOU MADAM SHAME ON YOU

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