Why are the Republicans working so hard to kill this bill

Reader comment on: Scott Brown on ObamaCare

Submitted by benjamin Geballe (United States), Mar 14, 2010 15:39

All of the concern trolling by the Republicans is amusing. If this bill were as bad as they say, let it pass, rack up a huge majority in the coming midterms, defeat Obama in 2012 and repeal the whole thing. Most of the things Republicans don't like won't have kicked in by then (sadly). Are they trying so hard because they know this will be popular? Are they trying so hard because they think it might work? Is it principle? I don't think it is principle, based on the fact this health bill is pretty much what the Republicans suggested as an alternative to Clinton's plan. It also doesn't seem like principle when this bill is actually a market based approach to health care reform. I really wish that Republicans were not so scared by the fringe of their party that they could see a proposal for what it is, not what they imagine it to be.

In other news, the stormy weather blew down trees in Prospect Park. One very large tree that tipped over, blocking the roadway had a hastily made "headstone" next to it (coincidentally within a stones throw of a plaque marking the Battle of Brooklyn). Someone had apparently counted the rings and it turns out the tree was 234 years old. Do the math. That tree was a sapling in 1776. If this isn't a sign of the end of our constitution, I don't know what is. Looks like God was sending a message about the healthcare bill. I would expect Glenn Beck to be on the scene by the end of the day.

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