Wealth and the Freedom to Earn It

Reader comment on: Obama Built That

Submitted by Don Ross (Thailand), Aug 11, 2012 02:28

The wealthy never got where they were through hard work. Hard work is digging a ditch, picking fruit, or cleaning sewers. No, those who have wealth for the most part got it through seed money, trusts, or quite simply "smart work."

Without depreciating the skill of smart work, anyone who uses his or her native talent deserves the fruit of their labors ... with one exception: the duty to pay their share of supporting a nation where they can excel without a bullet in the head.

That nation is the United States of America. Do well, work well, and get the dream ... no bullets. And in this regard all Americans need to pay their share. Their share of the bullet shield. Support our Constitution.

Many say, tax every American equally, kinda like, "Each, according to his share; each according to the basic need. Easy, problem solved.

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