Why Romney lostReader comment on: Why Romney Won Submitted by Fast Eddie (United States), Nov 6, 2012 08:36 I hope you are correct that Romney wins. Unfortunately, it appears you may be a bit overoptimistic. If Obama wins, it will be driven by a combination of several reasons, a few of which are: (1) Illegally raised campaign funds, specifically, money contributed via his web sites where the address-verification software was intentionally disabled to facilitate illegal foreign contributions and to facilitate multiple contributions that total more than the legal limit from one individual; (2) Lies in his TV ads; there are literally too many to number, but the more blatant of them attacked Romney for activities at Bain which happened far after Romney had left the company; and (3) a mainstream media that went all out to support him in every way conceivable; NBC (not to mention MSNBC) became an arm of the Democrat National Committee every night as Brian Williams shilled for Obama again and again and somehow could not find time to devote more than a few seconds to the gun running to Mexico fiasco and to the Bengazi murder of our ambassador. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Other reader comments on this item
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