Why didn't you read Buffet's article?Reader comment on: Buffett's Latest Submitted by R Coleman (United States), Nov 26, 2012 17:09 If you are going to comment on an article, at least read it and understand its point. Calling Buffett's article "showmanship" because what he recommends for the country is moronic, and sidesteps his point, which Buffett can make better than anyone else in America. After 65 years in the U.S. marketplace, buying and selling, and working with entepreneurial folks of all stripes, Buffett says no one ever opted out of an investment because the tax rate (now historically low) was too high. In fact, in our economic hayday, the rates for the top went up to confiscatory levels (over 90%). Today, the alternative to investing is to buy a money market product that yields less than 1%. That is the common-sense BUSINESS calculus that Buffett points out will rule the investment decisions--not the POLITICAL crapola from the Norquistian puppets who think that capitalism is about tax rates. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Submit a comment on this article Other reader comments on this item
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