government is larger now, we need more taxes

Reader comment on: Barone, Carney, Stossel, and More

Submitted by ben (United States), Apr 14, 2010 08:24

When the income tax passed, government did far less in people's lives. As a country, we decided that allowing elderly people to live in abject poverty was a bad thing, so we raised taxes to pay for the services. We decided that educating only a small slice of the population beyond 4th grade limited growth, so we raised taxes to pay for it. We decided that building a highway system to grow the economy was necessary, so we raised taxes to pay for it. Those who hearken back to the "good old days" must also account for what wasn't so good about them, and why we progressed beyond them. The fifties were a simpler time with Leave it to Beaver and lynchings. The 80's were a time of lower taxes and exploding deficits.

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