Left-wingery is a strange phenomenonReader comment on: The Left-Wing Echo Chamber Submitted by T M Menon (India), Oct 4, 2013 01:31 In fact, the Left-wingery is known also famous for prose of stupefying opacity meant to confuse those with intellectual pretensions, and bring them round to accept those gems as Gospel truth from the Hebrew prophet, Marx. They manufacture facts, and rewrite history to support their cok-eyed view of the world that was, again to corral others into supporting their preferred course of thought and political action. The radical left lay the groundwork for drama, cinema, music – in fact the entire cultural arena in order to systematically undermine the value of civilizations and ideals of other political thoughts. The Left arrogantly assume all enlightenment and those who do not agree with them are described as narrow, provincial, short-sighted, and completely irrational. If they win elections, the people are politically conscious and wise; if they lose, it is vindication of either frailty of the electorate or the victory of the villainous or a retro-vote./T M Menon, PUNE (India) Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Comment on this item |