Charitable giving? Biden?

Reader comment on: Obama's Tax Return

Submitted by ben (United States), Apr 16, 2010 10:19

I did not find any of those items particularly disappointing, but what I did find sad was the percentage of his income he gave to charity. According to the Times, he gave 6%, which for someone making so much isn't all that impressive (even if it does beat past Presidents). When one factors in the 1.4 million he didn't take for the Peace Prize he was respectable in his charitable giving. Biden on the other hand. . .

Biden gave less than 5,000 dollars on income of almost 400k. That is remarkably weak and uncharitable. Although he is not wealthy (at least by the standards of the people he hangs with in DC), he does have a very comfortable future ahead of him post vice presidency on the speaking circuit, on corporate boards etc. That he gave away just over 1% of his income to charity is unimpressive.

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The Future of Capitalism replies:

The all time lows for this have been Al Gore ($353 in 1998) and Robert Reich ($2,714 in 2002, a year he earned more than $1 million).

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