Youth Corrections resource

Reader comment on: The Marshall Project

Submitted by Marcia Tewell (United States), Feb 11, 2014 15:14

Although similar 'services' sadly exist in each of the U.S. and territories, I wanted to share resources for both information and system change in this arena. A short book "High Country Lock-Up" details a detention facility on the prarie of Colorado with great detail of the abuse, funding mechanisms, and development of such places. A second resource for system change at the legislative level is the Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition. Their presence at the legislature as well as other venues has helped move the system a bit ahead, despite the lobbying by large companies that greatly profit from the existence of prisons and detention centers. Please research both resources and if your state does not have a coalition in place, replication is strongly encouraged of the CCJRC. Christie Donner is an incredible director of the group.

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