Government should protect shareholders.

Reader comment on: Richard Epstein and Ralph Nader on Fannie and Freddie

Submitted by Ron Miller (United States), Mar 5, 2014 09:51

I read an article that the government wants to do away with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and replace them with one agency to limit the governments role in the mortgage industry . I think the government can do the very same thing with Fannie and Freddie , return the two companies back to the shareholders the tax payer has been paid back , it makes no sense to hurt people that have invested in these companies when they are again turning a profit , besides the government caused the collapse to begin with . Good credit and responsible lending go a long way in keeping the mortgage industry stable , the Country has gotten a big wake-up call companies that were bailed out are now turning profits again the same should be said for Fannie and Freddie.

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