More than a name

Reader comment on: Bankruptcy "Reform" and the Financial Crisis

Submitted by ben (United States), May 10, 2010 11:08

This is a true lesson on any issue. At this point, what a piece of legislation is called is generally the exact opposite of what it does. Think Bush's "Clear Skies" legislation. The Orwellianization of politics is well tailored to our sound bite culture. In this case, "reform" was anti-consumer, so it is no wonder that consumers suffered. The blame surely lies with Bush and the Republicans who controlled Congress. Undoubtedly, the legislation was written by banking lobbyists.

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The Future of Capitalism replies:

The House roll call shows 73 Democrats voted for it. On the Senate side Democrats who voted for it included Biden, Baucus, Conrad, Byrd, Carper, Inouye, Lincoln, Landrieux, Reid, Johnson, both Nelsons, Salazar (now Obama's interior secretary), and Stabenow.

Other reader comments on this item

Title By Date
Worse than they think [147 words]MarkMay 13, 2010 18:08
Tight correlation [44 words]TimmehMay 10, 2010 13:16
⇒ More than a name
[w/response] [78 words]
benMay 10, 2010 11:08
Would it have even come up for a vote in a Democratically controlled Congress?
[w/response] [47 words]
benMay 10, 2010 12:24
Delaware is the credit card capital of the country [11 words]benMay 10, 2010 13:19

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