Response to Correction of the Day

Reader comment on: Correction of the Day

Submitted by donald larson (United States), Apr 29, 2015 22:30

First, I appreciate your follow-up regarding the statement of error. Not many would be considerate enough to do that.

Secondly; I am highly skeptical of using Tax Payer's Money to pay for Testimony - - even on behalf of the Govt. This can be a slippery slope; and, out & out, Bribery is not out of the question. If the Government can't build a substantial Case of it's own; then, maybe, the evidence doesn't warrant a Trial. I'm not at all comfortable with the Notion of the Govt employing (bribing) hired Guns, in an attempt to, "get someone." Pay one; and soon, everyone that testifies will want to be paid. I say, un-equivally No!


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