If you don't want to be subject just break your self up into more pieces

Reader comment on: 'Orderly Liquidation Authority'
in response to reader comment: Not really new just an extension to a new class of institutions

Submitted by lyle (United States), May 14, 2010 01:22

Since the issue is that a non depositary institution can melt the economy down thru a confidence crisis, then if you don't like being subject to wind down, break your self up. Likely you have many employees who would make good CEOs, give them the chance. So if a big bank, you can split up or live with the wind down authority. If I had my druthers I would have passed too big to fail too big to exist. In all likelihood history shows that shareholders make out like bandits on a split up, only the current top execs loose. (The 1911 Standard Oil case was the best thing that ever happend to John D. wealth, as it rocked as the 41 new companies competed against each other.) Do it to the banks and good things will happen. If service for large companies is needed there is always the historical method of a 1 time syndicate.

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Title By Date
Not really new just an extension to a new class of institutions
[w/response] [68 words]
lyleMay 13, 2010 17:07
⇒ If you don't want to be subject just break your self up into more pieces [156 words]lyleMay 14, 2010 01:22

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