What Debate?Reader comment on: CNN Republican Debate Submitted by donald larson (United States), Sep 17, 2015 17:31 The Most Intelligent Candidate in the Race for the Nomination; found the Faux Debate to be a , Yawn er; and shut the TV Off; & went to Bed. Bernie Sanders nailed it! Hardly a single issue of any import; was, "debated;" perferring instead to deal in slander; cyncism, sarcasm, and, "put-downs;" of each other and the President. Disgraceful display of Statemanship and Leadership. CNN & the GOP Panel; completely blew off - - or dismissed the two issues uppermost in the minds of Voters: Breadwinner Jobs ($50K), and, how to effect a more Speedy Recovery. And the Debt - - that we have heard so much about during the past six years; nary a Word; in terms of what to do about it. Lot's of plans to spend billions more on fences, walls, border guards, and, another war in the Middle East. Never - - has a group of Candidates been more OUT-OF-TOUCH with the needs of the Nation; and, the American People! Ok; if One Must: Score Gains for Rubio, Carly, and Casich (sp?) Only Candidates that displayed any degreee of intelligence and common sense. Note: Comments are moderated by the editor and are subject to editing. Comment on this item |