There is actually a major test of this going on right now in Texas Prisons.

Reader comment on: Telehealth

Submitted by Lyle (United States), Jan 5, 2016 20:36

As I understand it all physicians handling non emergency issues in the Texas Prison system are now in Galveston, and do the treatments by telemedicine. Obviously emergency treatments go to the local hospital however. Note that the state does not think this is good enough for its population in general just for those in prison. However folks in places like Rocksprings (pop 1285 county 2002) would really benefit, as they tend to have to go a long distance to find medical care. It is about 50 miles to the nearest small town hospital in Sonora or Junction, and 100+ miles to major hospitals. For example because of the size of the town there are no ob/gyn physicians, The nearest are 61 miles or so away.

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