Our representatives in Congress should spend most of their time watching pornography on the internet.

Reader comment on: Porn-Watching Regulators

Submitted by Ron (United States), May 25, 2010 17:34

Since our representatives in Congress are paid regardless of the impact of their legislations; requiring them to spend most of their time watching pornography would probably be a boon to the US body politic and to the US economy.

Our Representatives in Congress should emulate the regulators and go one step further by mandating that all government employees spend a certain percentage of their time vicariously liberating their libidos rather than attempting to liberate the electorate from its monies.

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⇒ Our representatives in Congress should spend most of their time watching pornography on the internet. [79 words]RonMay 25, 2010 17:34
Stop the revolving door between regulators and the regulated [43 words]LyleMay 25, 2010 16:24

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