A Letter to the Times Editors that is Unlikely To Be Publishec

Reader comment on: For Harvard's Incoming President, a Teachable Moment

Submitted by Frank Barron (United States), Feb 23, 2018 02:00

To the Editors:

The Times slant on the appointment of Lawrence Bacow, the son of refugees whose mother was an Auschwitz survivor, was to suggest that Harvard had missed an opportunity "to choose a leader who would reflect the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements that have shaped campus dialogue in recent years."

With apologies for being a bit snarky, may I point out that the Times Company board of directors, stewards of our "newspaper of national record," recently missed an opportunity to choose a publisher whose name is not Sulzberger; who has advanced beyond 40 years of age; and who has the depth and breadth of experience that would qualify him for the position; not to mention who would "reflect the #MeToo and Black Lives Matters movements that have shaped our [national] dialogue in recent years"?

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The Future of Capitalism replies:

No apology necessary.

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