I haven't heard Democrats calling for constitutional amendments

Reader comment on: Barone's Predictions

Submitted by ben (United States), Oct 20, 2010 22:14

If Democrats think the constitution is so flawed, why aren't they crying to amend it like the Tea Partiers. It is hard to keep up with the many ways the Tea Partiers would like to change the constitution. A Balanced budget amendment. A Defense of Marriage amendment. Repealing the direct election of Senators. Eliminating the Separation of Church and State. Repealing birthright citizenship. These are far more serious than the couple of offhanded remarks you quote in this post. If someone wants to take the position that the founding fathers were omniscient and infallible (let's forget the whole slavery thing!), then why spend so much time questioning what they did or did not put in the constitution and trying to change it.

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The Future of Capitalism replies:

And don't forget repeal the amendment enabling the income tax (my personal favorite). But there are under-the-radar Democrat-backed Amendments. Here's a report of one to restrict campaign spending: http://www.democrats.com/senator-max-baucus-proposes-constitutional-amendment-to-allow-regulation-of-campaign-funding . Jesse Jackson Jr. has proposed nine constitutional amendments just in this past Congress. http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/DC-Decoder/2010/0824/A-constitutional-amendment-for-every-occasion-Congress-seems-to-think-so

And then there was the Equal Rights Amendment for women, which was backed by a lot of Democrats (but also by Nixon).

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Title By Date
There have been periods in the past where the political winds shifted violently. [160 words]LyleOct 21, 2010 00:19
⇒ I haven't heard Democrats calling for constitutional amendments
[w/response] [122 words]
benOct 20, 2010 22:14
You made my point [42 words]benOct 21, 2010 08:10
Amend [16 words]JROct 25, 2010 08:51

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