There have been periods in the past where the political winds shifted violently.

Reader comment on: Barone's Predictions

Submitted by Lyle (United States), Oct 21, 2010 00:19

IN 1837 we had a depression, and in 1840 Harrision and the Whigs won the congress and the presidency. 2 years later the democrats took back the house and in 1844 James K Polk (democrat) was elected. 4 years later the Whigs won both congress and the presidency with Zachary Taylor. In times of national discontent there are periods where one side gets a big win gets a 2 year period to fix things, and then gets bounced. (Also look at Canada where one party got wiped out and hand to rebuild itself). It is at these times when parties get reformed (or die as the Whigs did and the Republicans rose in their place) The Whigs died, and 4 years later (1860) the democrats died running Douglas for the northern part and Breckenridge for the Southern part. The Dems stayed out of power until Clevland was elected in 1884, a bit longer than the republicans were out after 1932.

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Title By Date
⇒ There have been periods in the past where the political winds shifted violently. [160 words]LyleOct 21, 2010 00:19
I haven't heard Democrats calling for constitutional amendments
[w/response] [122 words]
benOct 20, 2010 22:14
You made my point [42 words]benOct 21, 2010 08:10
Amend [16 words]JROct 25, 2010 08:51

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