Let the people free

Reader comment on: Bus Bust
in response to reader comment: The proof is in the accident rate

Submitted by David (United States), Jun 1, 2012 21:28

One size fits all rules like that are stifling to the evolution of the free market of transportation. To be sure the bus companies should pay their fare share of road maintenance costs. But insurance should be tiered to allow consumers to determine risk they are willing to take.

The Green Tortoise bus company was a unique (I thought) bus that allowed more relaxed seating. It would also be inherently less safe in an accident. The people should decide what is right for them.

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The proof is in the accident rate [87 words]LyleJun 1, 2012 13:47
⇒ Let the people free [84 words]DavidJun 1, 2012 21:28

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