The folks at Saturday Night Live are at it again, taking aim at President Obama. Here's the latest: a mock press conference between the president of China and President Obama. The Chinese president notes that America owes China $800 billion and asks, "Are we going to get our money?" About the stimulus, the Chinese president asks, "How many jobs has it created?" The question alone prompts audience laughter. The "Obama" character answers, "So far, none." The Chinese president asks, "How exactly is extending health care coverage to 30 million people going to save money?" The Obama character answers, "I don't know." The Chinese president says, "Each of your plans to save money involves spending even more money. This does not inspire confidence." Then he says, "I suppose if I really wanted to get my money, I could call and say I was a Wall Street banker who needs my bonus. But I would not stoop to that level." No wonder GE is selling NBC to Comcast; if this keeps up, Jeffrey Immelt may not count on getting invited to the next White House state dinner, and that corporate strategy and ad campaign about how GE means "stimulus" and "government" may not work out so well. Nor will the company necessarily be able to rely on Timothy Geithner's public promise that the government will never allow GE to fail.
Obama Loses Saturday Night Live
by Editor | Related Topics: Banking, China, General Electric, Health Care, Reverse Robin-Hood, Stimulus, Timothy Geithner receive the latest by email: subscribe to the free mailing list