The National Republican Senatorial Committee, whose job it is to raise money to get more Republicans elected to the Senate, has sent two direct mail letters to my house in the past few weeks. The first, from Senator Hatch of Utah, said that Senator Hatch hoped I would "join the NRSC in its urgent mission: Fighting the Democrats' liberal agenda and supporting Republicans who will work to cut taxes, save Social Security and Medicare, and protect our nation from terrorist attacks." (Emphasis mine.) The Hatch letter went on to say that by supporting the NRSC today, "You will play a key role in stopping the Democrats' obstruction and saving Social Security so that current and soon-to-be retirees will get the benefits they've been promised." (Emphasis mine.) [The Hatch letter also included a line warning of the influence of "the Hollywood elites," but I couldn't figure out whether the senator meant Ronald Reagan or Arnold Schwarzenegger, so didn't pay much attention.] The second letter, from Senator Cornyn, said, "you can help us focus our battle against the Obama Democrats' aggressive push to expand the federal government into every area of our lives and businesses that will create a bloated welfare-state with sky-high taxes, limited freedoms, and a culture of dependence." (Emphasis mine.) It's quite a trick for the Senate Republicans to fundraise as the protectors of Social Security and Medicare while at the same time accuse the Obama Democrats of being the ones creating a bloated welfare state and a culture of dependence. This isn't an argument here for repealing either Social Security or Medicare, just an observation on the mixed messages and lack of clear principles being displayed by the Senate Republicans.
Direct Mail From Senate Republicans
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