Senator Jim DeMint has an interview with the Wall Street Journal editorial page's Steve Moore:
"When I got to Congress in 1999, instead of working on the reforms that I ran on—wealth-creating personal accounts and individually owned health insurance and some simple tax, the things that I thought all of us believed in—instead we worked on redistricting and getting the vulnerables on the right committees and getting earmarks to the people who needed them. Everything was about numbers and electing more Republicans. We'd always promise to get to the principles later." He shakes his head: "I just thought maybe there's something I don't understand."
We reviewed Senator DeMint's book Saving Freedom here back in June 2009 and in the review mentioned a 2003 editorial in the New York Sun, "The DeMint Agenda." That editorial concluded, "If Republicans are scouting for ideas, Mr. DeMint's office is a place worth a stop." It's as true now as it was seven years ago.