From a New Yorker piece about White House memos annotated by President Obama:
At the end of another memo about fiscal discipline after the summit, he asked his staff to seek out ideas from one of the most conservative members in the House. "Have we looked at any of the other GOP recommendations (e.g. Paul Ryan's) to see if any make sense?" he wrote.
Obama could be unsentimental toward liberal piety. In May, 2009, his advisers informed him that his budget for global health assistance, much of which goes to combat H.I.V., would increase by a hundred and sixty-five million dollars yet would still face "opposition from the very vocal HIV/AIDS activist community." He wrote back, "How can they complain when we are increasing funding?" At the end, he added, "In announcing this, we should be very complimentary of the Bush Administration."
He also could be ruthless toward members of his party in Congress. When he was informed in a memo that Representative Jim Oberstar, a Minnesota Democrat, wanted to write a highway bill that included a hundred and fifteen billion dollars more in spending than Obama had proposed, and which would be funded by a gas-tax increase, Obama wrote "No," and underlined it.
Look for more of this sort of thing between now and November, but don't necessarily believe the thrust of it.