Back in April I wrote about the federal criminal charges facing President Obama's White House counsel, Greg Craig, and concluded:
The more you get into it...the more it looks like a story about overly zealous prosecutors and FBI agents, and laws drafted in ways that allow such prosecutors and FBI agents enormous discretion to depict routine, non-criminal activities as somehow sinister. It's the sort of thing that Mr. Trump, in other contexts, has described as a witch hunt or a perjury trap.
Sure enough, Craig was acquitted today by a federal jury on the one count remaining after a federal judge threw out the other count.
Josh Gerstein reports for Politico:
"The question that you need to ask is not why this jury acquitted Greg Craig, but why the Department of Justice brought this case against an innocent man in the first place," defense attorney William Taylor Jr. told reporters gathered outside the courthouse.
Good question, and one that applies not only to Mr. Craig but to so many other cases we've covered here.